
The x/bank module keeps state of the following primary objects:

  1. Account balances

  2. Denomination metadata

  3. The total supply of all balances

  4. Information on which denominations are allowed to be sent.

In addition, the x/bank module keeps the following indexes to manage the aforementioned state:

  • Supply Index: 0x0 | byte(denom) -> byte(amount)

  • Denom Metadata Index: 0x1 | byte(denom) -> ProtocolBuffer(Metadata)

  • Balances Index: 0x2 | byte(address length) | []byte(address) | []byte(balance.Denom) -> ProtocolBuffer(balance)

  • Reverse Denomination to Address Index: 0x03 | byte(denom) | 0x00 | []byte(address) -> 0


The bank module stores it's params in state with the prefix of 0x05, it can be updated with governance or the address with authority.

  • Params: 0x05 | ProtocolBuffer(Params)

// Params defines the parameters for the bank module.
message Params {
  option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer)       = false;
  repeated SendEnabled send_enabled         = 1;
  bool                 default_send_enabled = 2;