Transfers Between Wallets
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Transferring MNV to other wallets estimated cost automatically set by Metamask is roughly around 0.00063 MNV with Medium priority.
Keplr Wallet allows you to have 2 types of address, one that starts with mnova and the other starts with 0x. 0x address is your address within the Ethereum ecosystem while the one that starts with MNOVA is for the Cosmos ecosystem. If you'll be transferring from Metamask going to your Keplr wallet, you'll need the address that starts with 0x. But if the sender will be using a Cosmos-based wallet like Keplr then you'll need to provide the one that starts with mnova.
Click on the Copy Address at the upper section of your Keplr wallet then copy the right destination address. MNV tokens transferred to either of the address will reflect on your account accumulatively.
This basically means that if you want to transfer tokens from your Metamask or other EVM wallets like Trust Wallet going to your Keplr Wallet, just paste the EVM Address in your Keplr account and paste it as a recipient in your EVM wallet such as Metamask.