dApp Developers

List of Resources

Please find the following resources for in-depth information:

  • Quick Connect: List of publicly available endpoints.

  • Metanovaverse Clients: Description of available clients.

  • Testnet Faucet: Explaination of faucet use to obtain testnet tokens.

  • Localnet: Instructions on how to configure a local instance of the Metanovaverse blockchain.

    • Single Node: Run a single local node.

    • Multi Node: Run a local testnet with multiple nodes.

    • Testnet: Use the testnet command of the Metanovaverse daemon.

  • Guides:

    • Wallet Integration: Connect Metamask wallet to a UI.

    • ERC-20 Registration: Register interoperable ERC-20s through governance.

    • Cosmos Coin Registration: Register native Cosmos Coins through governance.

    • Smart Contract Registration: Register smart contracts in the dApp store to earn income.

    • Incentives Registration: Register smart contract incentives through governance.

    • Trace Transactions: Learn how to trace transactions on Metanovaverse.

    • Query Balances: Learn how to query balances on Metanovaverse.

Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)

As Metanovaverse lives at the crossroads of Cosmos and Ethereum, there are RPC connections available for all corresponding interfaces:

  • JSON-RPC Server: General information about the JSON-RPC server provided by Metanovaverse.

  • Running The Server: Instructions on how to set up the server when running a node.

  • Namespaces: Description of the available JSON-RPC namespaces.

  • JSON-RPC Methods: List of supported JSON-RPC endpoints and methods.

  • Events: Information about the available events and instructions to subscribe to them.

  • Cosmos gRPC & REST: Documentation of the available gRPC implementation on Metanovaverse.

  • Tendermint RPC: Documentation for the RPC protocols supported by Tendermint.

Tutorials for Ethereum Developers

To welcome Ethereum developers, there is a selection of tutorials available showcasing some widely used developer tools:

  • Remix: Instructions to deploy a smart contract on Metanovaverse with Remix IDE.

  • Hardhat: Instructions to deploy a smart contract on Metanovaverse with the Hardhat suite of development tools.

  • Truffle: Instructions to deploy a smart contract on Metanovaverse using the Truffle framework.

Last updated